Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The start of a new project. (Day 1)

So today is the second day of the Easter holidays and before the kids broke up from school I promised myself I would complete a project just for fun. These days a lot of my time is spent making samples for classes and also preparing for the classes too. So here is day 1, now bare in mind with the kids off I get about an hour free to craft, so I can only do a little each day! Here is a little box that I have had for such a long time, so long I don't even know where it is from! The wooden balls are actually dolls heads but I am going to use them as feet for my box.
So the first step was to paint my box and feet with Acrylic paint, the colour I used is Antique White. Now to leave this to dry.
And here is a picture of the mess I have managed to make in less than 10 minutes! ha ha. You might notice by the photo that i'm not crafting in my craft room today, that's because I have samples drying on my desk, so I have now spread to the dinning room! oh dear! Well no one said creativity was tidy.....did they?

Be sure to pop back tomorrow to see the next stage, I'm off to tidy up!!


1 comment:

the crafting frog blog said...

Love the new project Maria - don't be too hard on yourself - your idea of messy is another's idea of tidy! Looking forward to seeing the project developing.
Fi x