Saturday, 1 November 2008

I've been tagged by Natalie

I have been tagged by Natalie, The rules are as follows;

Here is how this one works.......Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Answer the five sets of five (this is the easy part) Tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blog. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Things I love;

  1. My two amazing boys
  2. My Hubby
  3. Making cards
  4. Having my own Craftroom
  5. All the soaps.

Things I hate;

  1. Rude people
  2. People who tell lies
  3. Jeremy Clarkson
  4. Horror films
  5. Winter

Music on my Ipod or playlist;

I have neither. But currently spend a lot of time listing to Chris Brown, Neyo, Coldplay and Amy Winehouse.

Favourite Food and Drink

  1. First has to be Coffee. (can't go without this)
  2. Sea bass
  3. prawns
  4. Scallops
  5. Olives

Everyone seems to have played this game now. So I will leave it here. But if you haven't had a go yet consider yourself tagged!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Might be back later with some cards.

Maria x


Natalie said...

Thanks for playing along Maria. x

Gayle said...

Hi honey...
There's an ward for you on my blog!
Gayle x